Prathibha Scholarship Program:- The scholarship is awarded to students native to the state of Kerala who have obtained meritorious marks in the Higher Secondary Examination to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in basic/natural sciences in institutions/universities in India. The objective of this program under Pratibha Scholarship Program is to motivate the interested students to pursue higher studies and career in science. And he will make a good contribution in the technical field for the country in his future.
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The objective of the Pratibha Scholarship Program is to motivate talented students to pursue higher studies in science by providing scholarships. Pratibha scholars are also provided the opportunity to participate in science orientation programs and interact with leaders in science through the Student Program for Excellence in Experimental Design (SPEED) scheme. Due to which you can motivate yourself very well and move ahead in your future. This scheme has been brought for all the students of Kerala state and it is going to prove to be a very beneficial scheme.

students are selected for Pratibha scholarship at undergraduate level based on the marks obtained by them for all science subjects in the higher secondary examination. The applicant should have secured admission for 3 years UG/5 years integrated. PG program in basic/ natural science. scholarship is applicable for maximum 5 years including UG and PG courses /integrated PG courses subject to renewal norms as per guidelines.
Table of Contents
Prathibha Scholarship Program 2024 | Highlights
Name of Scheme | Prathibha Scholarship Program |
Update | 2024 |
State | Kerala |
Benefits | Provided Scholarship Upto 12,000 to 60,000/- |
Official Website | Click Here |
Online Registration Direct Link | Click Here |
Online Application Direct Link | Click Here |
Benefits of Prathibha Scholarship Program
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- Scholarship is awarded only for studies in basic / natural science.
- Offers opportunities for attending science enrichment programmes and Summer Internship in reputed National and state level R and D Institutions in Kerala.
- 8 Pratibha Scholars (two scholarship in each of the disciplines- Biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics) are eligible to be considered for summer program at IISER – Trivandrum. The selection of Pratibha scholars for Summer programmes is subject to the norms of IISER-Trivandrum.
- The selected students are eligible for scholarship as follows As given below:-
UG course/first 3 years of integrated PG course
Year/Semester | Scholarship Amount |
1st year | Rs 12,000/- |
2nd year | Rs 18,000/- |
3rd year | Rs 24,000 /- |
PG courses (subject to scoring minimum 75 percent marks for undergraduate course)
Year/Semester | Scholarship Amount |
1st year/4th year of integrated PG course | Rs 40,000/- |
2nd year/5th year of integrated PG course | Rs 60,000/- |
Eligibility for Pratibha Scholarship Program
- Applicant should be of Kerala origin.
- Applicant should have qualified Higher Secondary examination from Kerala.
- Applicant should have qualified Higher Secondary Board Examination with minimum 90% marks for equivalent grade for all subject put together and minimum 90% marks for equivalent grade for all science subject put together. (for SC/ST reservation category, the eligibility is stipulated to minimum marks of 80% or equivalent grade for all subject in total and minimum 80% marks subjects aur equivalent grade for all science subjects in total).
- Application should have secured admission for 3 year BSc course/5 year integrated MSc course/5 year integrated BS-MS course in basic and natural science. (23 subjects unlisted in the guidelines) in any of the institutions or universities in India.
Documents Required for Pratibha Scholarship Program
- Identity proof of applicant
- Passport size photographs
- Student Data-sheet, duly signed by the applicant and endorsed by the Head of the Institution where they are admitted for Degree Course.
- Copy of Mark list of Higher Secondary Board Examination- self attested
- Community Certificate for SC/ST applicants.
- Certificate in proof of ‘Place of Origin’ [Applicant should be of Kerala origin]”
- Terms & Conditions”, duly signed
- E-payment form- in prescribed format.
Key Points of Pratibha Scholarship Program
- Students are selected at undergraduate level only.
- Selection is best on the aggregate marks obtained for all science subject in the higher secondary examination.
- Scholarship for all three years of undergraduate course and have qualified degree course with minimum 75% marks are eligible to continue the scholarship for postgraduate course.
- The scheme ensures at least 50% of the selection for girls students. 10% of the selection is reserved for SC /ST students.
- Scholarships Are allotted with the weightage of 30% for mathematical science and 40% for physical science and 30% for life sciences based on the subject main chosen for the degree course. Students in triple main courses are ranked in all the three subject areas and are selected best on their top ranking position.
How to Apply Online for Prathibha Scholarship Program 2024?

Online Registration Process
- The applicant should register online before the scheduled date as per the notification released by KSCSTE.
- The applicant should ensure about the following information before starting the online registration.
- A valid mobile number and e-mail ID which should be available with him/her during the entire phase of the selection process.
- It has to be registered.
- A passport size photograph of 150W ×200H pixel dimension is to be uploaded.
- To start online registration the applicant needs to enter his/her name, date of birth, e-mail ID and HSE roll number.
- Now you have to create your username and password.
- In this scheme, you should note down the password and keep it somewhere so that it can be used in future applications.
- In this way you can register online very easily.
Online Application Process
- Application for Prathibha scholarship is accepted only through online submission and students should apply through Prathibha scholarship Web Portal.
- On the basis of application submitted by the applicant, the Kerala State Council For Science, Technology And Environment (KSCSTE) will prepare the Provisional Selection List (PSL).
- On publication of PRL by KSCSTE, the selected students in the main PRL should upload relevant documents in the Prathibha scholarship web portal for confirmation of scholarship and final selection.
- The final Rank List will be prepared after verification of documents.
Selection Procedure for Prathibha Scholarship Program 2024
Step 01: Ranking is made based on the aggregate marks secured in Higher Secondary Board Examination for all four Science subjects.
Step 02: Eligible applicants are grouped under the three Broad Subject Groups viz., Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences, based on the subject chosen as ‘Main’ for the Degree Course.
Step 03: Applicants studying for “Triple-main” subjects for their U.G/Integrated P.G course have to opt the subject category to be considered for ranking. Once the application is submitted for consideration under a particular Subject-category, the option cannot be changed.
Step 04: Applicants under each Subject-category are ranked separately and the total number of scholarships are proportioned with 30% for Mathematical Sciences, 40% for Physical Sciences and 30% for Life Sciences category. 10% of the total seats are set apart for SC/ST students.
Step 05: Tie on Science-total marks if any, is resolved by prioritizing the marks obtained for science subjects in the following order
i. Mathematical Sciences Group- HSE marks in the order of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Overall marks
ii. Physical Sciences Group- HSE marks in the order of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Overall marks
iii. Life Sciences Group- HSE marks in the order of Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Overall marks.
Note 01: The Provisional Rank List will be published in KSCSTE website usually during March/April.
Note 02: Only those who submit the above documents within the stipulated time (as published in the website) will be considered for final ranking. Final Rank List (FRL) will be prepared upon verification of documents as per approved guidelines.
Contact Details
The Head,
Women Scientist Division (WSD)
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment,
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram – 4
Tel No. + 91-471-2548208, Fax : 0471 2540085, 2534605
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